국토 종단

To my brother, Benjamin Han (한상현)

by 한상현 형 posted Aug 06, 2022





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Hello, my only brother, Ben. It's I, Jake. 

  I'm writing you some letter for you, ( not because mother said so ) because I love you.

  How were the first few days on marching? Did you make new friends a lot? Isn't it too tough to do?

Well, as an experienced person, to be honest, I also regret a lot. 

  'Why did I chose to come here,' 'What is this thing even mean,' all the negative thought were in my mind for first few days on marching. But Do you know that there's nothing useless? The one step you are reaching, something inside your body have a change. 

  While marching the whole territory, I hope you to understand that the decision you made to go 

there was neither useless, nor regretful.

  My brother, even though I sometimes punish you, I still love you a lot.

  So, be strong, be healthy, and be confident what you are doing, and I will letter you again later.

From your Brother who loves you, Jake Han